Devil May Cry Anime Trivia

1. The reason they added Patty Lowell in this series was because all anime companies keep a tradition where they have to add approximately 1 cute thing in a series, including horror genred anime. Plus they wanted to add a bit of comic relief, showing how Dante reacts towards kids.


2. Episode 7 is the only episode in this series that has the f-word.


3. In episode 6, Rock Queen, the record of Elena Houston shows '1957-01', meaning it's a date of January, 1957.

4. Reuben Langdon (Dante) changed his name to Justin Cause in the credits. Justin Cause is a reference to the stunt studio he works at called, Just Cause.
The other reason he changed it to Justin Cause was because it had something to do with a contract from the studio, and he also didn't like the idea of how they made Dante's character in this anime, meaning Reuben couldn't really act like himself and had to go with the script instead.


5. According to Reuben Langdon, CapCom was originally going to release a Devil May Cry CGI movie before this series' release but it got cancelled due to more focus on this series and the Resident Evil CGI movies.

6. Here's how tall Dante is compared to the other characters:

7. The characters Angelina and Bradley from episode 3, Not Love, are named after the celebrities Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.


8. All the vehicles in this anime are portrayed as 1950s-60s styled vehicles. What model of the vehicle Dante drives (Given to him by Morrison) is not really known since it seems like there are a mixture of different styles/models combined into one. The vehicle is most likely a mix of a Jaguar, Austin, Aston, Cobra, and Ferrari.


9. Dante biting his gun is a reference to Hellsing when Alucard bites his.

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