My Review of Vergil's Downfall

Well, not much to say here considering the fact that it connects with DmC.



- gameplay seems to be more enjoyable than its previous title


- the environments are really neat but still too colourful for my taste


- new enemy concepts look more Hellish


- music seems to fit more


- voice acting seems to be a bit better than its previous title


- nice that it continues the story, unlike DMC3 and 4 Special Editions' Vergil files



- not a big fan of the 2D animated clips and style


- AI still needs improvement


- difficulty is still too easy but has gotten a little more challenging


- more ripoffs heading our way (example, Hollow Vergil is a ripoff of Hollow Ichigo from Bleach)


- story is still bland and rushed like its previous title


- battles still drag on, and on depending on what powers you have/haven't obtained yet


- should have been released the same time as its previous title like the developers promised


- VINO's character (nothing but a whiny jealous brat)

My Rating: 6.8/10


Overall rating from reviewers/studios: 8.9/10


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